Runaways #1 (Secret Wars)
I went into Runaways think it was going to be a story about the last Runaways team but, as I'm beginning to learn, with Secret Wars Titles it's never exactly what you expected. All in all, turns out the story kicks off in Doomstadt (capital domain of BATTLEWORLD) where there is a school for the most gifted and brightest accross BATTLEWORLD domains where they are trained as potential leaders and 'DoomElites' in Doom's world.

At the school there are a bunch of teens (obviously) who were given this school's version of detention after causing a ruckus in the hallways (long story; read the book; you'll love it, I promise).
The problem is they have to register with their teams for their final exams but are stuck in this detention. Eventually Amadeus Cho (one of the miscreants) manages to get them out of their detention by reprogramming their doombot warden.
Their escape is shortly discovered but they are still allowed to register with the catch being they must do it as a team. There's the interesting reveal at the end that Doom's daughter is actually headmaster of the institute
What I liked?: If you know a thing or two about the type of comics I like then you will know